
Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Finding Inspiration, Drawing My Hand

Amelia Critchlow's Experimental Art e-course continues to inspire me. Especially now that I'm on deadline to get a first draft of a play done. One of the exercises we were given was to pick a concept and this has been driving pretty much all of the other exercises I've been working on. I've also been trying my hand at drawing. Today literally, when I did an drawing of the lines of my palm. I find the process of just making marks to be incredibly meditative. Not feeling compelled to make something necessarily, just to capture what's there and not worry about "right." I've also been collecting various images - both for source material for the play and for the e-course as well. Today I found these wonderful photos and graphic images by Brian Pirman.



Drought #1

Drought #2




these and more images can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Its a great course isn't it? Have fun with it. x
