Friday, August 27, 2010

We Like the Recess Monkey

A few highlights from our new favorite kids CD - Recess Monkey's The Final Funktier

Booster Seat is my personal favorite. It's a little hard to make out the lyrics from this film, but trust me. Totally nails the preschool age. Or check out this little sample. Or if you go here, you can listen to more cuts from Final Funktier as well as some from earlier CDs.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day of First Grade

It's the first day of school. The first day of first grade. The first full day of school. I miss you already. You were scared to go. Sometimes the unknown can be overwhelming. Last night you wanted to go to the park, but you were so tired from traveling and staying up late and scared about today so you curled up in the rocking chair in the kitchen and fell asleep. Then you got mad because it was too late to go to the park. You wanted to try out those new roller skates. You woke up, groggy and tired, and sat down on the floor with me, then fell asleep again. A minute later you popped up and demanded I take you to the park. I said no. It was too late. I had to make dinner. I made noodle soup and when it was ready I looked around for you and you had disappeared. I found you in your bed sound asleep; you hadn't even put on your jammies. I let you sleep. I missed you already.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

September 5 is Cherpumple Pie Cake Day

My friend Tal sent me this link and now I've become obsessed with the Cherpumple Pie Cake. How can you not be obsessed with this? It's Cherpumple Pie Cake.

Anyway, Tal and I are baking our Cherpumple Pie Cakes - me in CA and Tal in Texas. Please join us. Make the cake and take a picture and let us know how it comes out! I'll post closer to the day so you can see the preparation and all that stuff. And I'll be inviting people over because I don't want to be alone with this baby. No! The Cherpumple Pie Cake must be shared.