Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ray O' Light

The inspiration for this shot came from the Superhero Photo challenge: shooting into the sun. My little guy had a good time helping me out with this one.

First Snow/First Sled Ride

We made it to Flagstaff without mortgaging the boy, but just barely. It was touch and go what with the one hour it took to get out of Phoenix/Scottsdale on the 101 loop. But once we made it Flagstaff and ate at the Route 66 Dog Haus (a drive-through hot dog place shaped like a - you guessed it) there was a little less 'tudiness all around - except for Olivia who refused to order anything at this fine establishment.

We found ourselves an over-priced tourist sled and headed to Crowley Pit. Now I'll grant you - Crowley Pit - while not the most inspiring name for a snow area is fairly self-descriptive. This marks the first time any of our kids had seen snow. They took to it like baby seals or something like that.

Everyone who could voluntarily hold themselves in an upright position had a turn on the sled. The beauty part is that it started to snow while we were there, so the kids saw falling snow - just in case they were thinking it came up from the ground.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Skippy's Secret Desire

You will want one of these, oh yes you will. Unless your dog goes to work with you - even then think of the fun.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Perspective is All

Carter: So how much do you weigh?
Me: I'm not saying.
Carter: But this is my homework. We have to weigh something and we only have a people scale.
Me: Marshall weighs 20 pounds.
Carter: How much does Olivia weigh?
Me: About thirty pounds.
Carter: How much does Dad weigh?
Me: You'll have to ask him.
Carter: How much do you weigh?
Me: 160 pounds.
Carter: How much?
Me: 160 pounds.
Carter: 160 pounds! You could lift all my friends on the see saw! I weigh 60 pounds. Do you realize you weigh 99 pounds more than me?

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

40-Some Things to Do Before My Next Birthday

Inspired by Andrea at Hula Seventy, I created this list for my birthday.
  1. Finish my thesis.
  2. Breathe.
  3. Learn to meditate.
  4. Take a Qi Gong class.
  5. Teach the kids to lie around the house.
  6. Teach the kids some Yoga.
  7. Make a new friend.
  8. Reconnect with an old friend.
  9. Read out loud.
  10. Read two Shakespeare plays I haven't read.
  11. Read two Chekov plays I haven't read.
  12. Read a new play every month.
  13. Read two of the books on David Sedaris' Recommended Reading List.
  14. Resume free-writing exercises.
  15. Start a rewrite of one of my old plays.
  16. Start my new screenplay.
  17. Organize all my source material for playwriting projects.
  18. Write down the master plan for my theater center.
  19. Take a food writing class at Stanford.
  20. Start learning a new language (I'm thinking Italian).
  21. Take a contact improv class.
  22. Sew some stuff for my kids.
  23. Sew some stuff to sell on Etsy.
  24. Get my bike tuned up and ready to ride.
  25. Get a grill.
  26. Invite the neighbors over.
  27. Experiment with making whole-wheat and/or gluten-free pie crusts.
  28. Make a fresh peach pie this summer.
  29. Take the kids berry-picking.
  30. Go to the farmer's market most Saturdays or Sundays.
  31. Eat more vegetables.
  32. Drink more water.
  33. Get a massage or two or four or more.
  34. Eat a meal at Zuni.
  35. Plant pumpkins and sunflowers with my kids.
  36. Plant bulbs in front of my kitchen window.
  37. Buy a birthday cake for absolutely no reason. Anyone who wants can make a wish on it.
  38. Continue with the clutter-taming.
  39. Start a play reading salon.
  40. Involve the kids in a guerrilla art project.
  41. Do some of the Learning to Love You More assignments.
  42. Go on a geocaching excursion in our area.
  43. Take my kids to SFMOMA.
  44. Take the kids to Big Sur and rent a cabin for a weekend.
  45. Travel some place we've never been.
  46. Attend the PICA TBA Festival.
  47. Celebrate Winter Solstice by having some folks over for dinner.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Jack Ad for Hillster

Umm, maybe before they included that quote from A Few Good Men, they should have read the rest of the line?

Jessup: I want to tell you something and listen up, 'cause I mean this. You're the luckiest man in the world. There is, believe me, nothing sexier on earth than a woman you have to salute in the morning. Promote 'em all I say, 'cause this is true: If you've never gotten a blow-job from a superior officer, then you are letting the best of life just pass you by.

Jo: Did you consult with the doctor that night?

Kaffee: Back off, Commander.

Jessup: You see, my problem is, of course, that I'm a Lt. Colonel. I'll have to keep taking cold showers till they elect some gal President.
Here's the scene from the movie.